Table of English Contents

Recent Communications

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Wavelet analysis for system identification, to appear in RIMS Kokyuroku

Noise smoothing in the Fourier domain by a multi-directional diffusion, CRM-2934

Image restoration through microlocal analysis with smooth tight wavelet frames, CRM-2926

Smooth tight frame wavelets and image microlocal analysis in Fourier domain, CRM-2864

Microlocal filtering with multiwavelets, CRM-2650

Gabor, wavelet and chirplet transforms in the study of pseudodifferential operators, CRM-2528

Wavelet frames and multiresolution analysis

Some topics on wavelets

An efficient identification method of the structural parameters of MDOF structures using the wavelet transform and neural networks

Gabor, wavelet and chirplet transforms in the study of pseudodifferental operators

A Construction of Multiwavelets

On a construction of multiwavelets

A survey of the MATLAB ODE suite

Multiwavelets, Pseudodifferential Operators and Microlocal Analysis

Microlocal Analysis and Multiwavelets

Microlocal analysis, smooth frames and denoising in Fourier space


Curriculum Vitae
