• Graph
    Let V be a set and E be a collection of 2-elements subsets of V. A graph ¦£ is a pair of (V,E).
    The elements of sets V and E are called vertex and edge, respectively.
    Let u,v ¢º V. A path of length m connecting u and v is a sequence of the vertices ¡¡
    (u= x0,x1,...,xm=v) such that each (xi,xi+1) ¢º E.¡¡
    The distance between u and v is the length of a shortest path connecting them.
    A graph ¦£ is called connected if there exists a path connecting any two vertices in ¦£.

  • Distance-regular graph
    Let ¦£=(V,E) be a graph. Let ¦£j(u) be the set of vertices at distance i from vertex u.
    For two vertices u and x in ¦£ at distance j, let

    C(u,x) = ¦£j-1(u) ¢Á ¦£1(x)
    A(u,x) = ¦£j(u) ¢Á ¦£1(x)
    B(u,x) = ¦£j+1(u) ¢Á ¦£1(x).

    A connected graph ¦£ is said to be distance-regular
    if the size of the set C(u,x), A(u,x) and B(u,x) depend only on j rather than the choice of u and x.
    In this case we write cj aj and bj for the size of them. These are called intersection numbers of ¦£.

  • Distance-transitive graph
    A permutation ¦Ò of the vertex set V of a graph ¦£ is called automorphism if (¦Ò(x),¦Ò(y)) ¢º E when never (x,y)¢º E. The set of all automorphisms of ¦£ forms a group under composition. This is called the automorphisms group of ¦£ denoted by Aut(¦£). A graph ¦£ is called distance-transitive if for any pais (w,x),(y,z) of ¦£ with the same distance there exists an automorphisms ¦Ò of ¦£ such that (¦Ò(w),¦Ò(x))=(y,z). We can see that distance-transitive graphs are distance-regular.
  • Association scheme
    Let X be a finite set. Let R = {R0,R1,...,Rd} is a partition of the set X ¡ß X.
    A pair (X,R) is called an association scheme of class d if the following conditions hold.
    (1) R0 = {(x,x) | x ¢º X }
    (2) Ri T = { (y,x) | (x,y) ¢º Ri } ¢º R
    (3) there are numbers pitj such that for any pair (x,y) ¢º Rt the number of elements z such that (x,z) ¢º Ri and (z,y) ¢º Rj is pitj.

    Suppose ¦£ is a distance-regular graph of diameter d with vertex set V.
    Let Ri = { (x,y) | at distance i } for i=0,1,...,d, and R = {R0,R1,...,Rd}.
    Then (X,R) is an association scheme of class d.