OKU - Osaka Kyoiku University -

IC - International Center


Courses and Degrees

At Osaka Kyoiku University, there are Master's degree courses available in Education Sciences. At present there are no doctoral courses available. Please note that the staff at Osaka Kyoiku University International Center cannot process email inquiries relating to individual classes and/or professors.

Master's Degree (Education)

Course Area
School Education Science of education, Psychology, Infant education, Moral education, Human rights education
Japanese Language Education Japanese language, Classical Japanese literature, Modern Japanese literature, Japanese language education
Social Sciences Education Japanese and world history, Geography, Law, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics, Social studies education
Mathematics Education Analysis, Geometry, Algebra, Mathematics education
Science Education Physics, Chemistry, Biology , Earth science and astronomy, Science education
English Education English, English and American literature, English education
Home Economics Education Food and nutrition, Clothing and clothes management, Housing, Child care, Home management and family relations, Home economics education
Music Education Vocal music, Instrumental music, Composition and conducting, Musicology, Music education
Art Education Painting and plastic arts, Craft and design, Calligraphy, Study of fine arts, Art education
Health and Physical Education Science of physical education, Physical excercise, Exercise physiology, School health science, School nursing, Health and physical education
Special Support Education Education for disabled children, Psychology for disabled children, Clinical study of disabled children
Engineering and Technology Education Electric and information technology, Machinary technology, Engineering and technology education
School Health Nursing Education School health nursing, Education and clinical medicine

Unfortunately International Students cannot enroll in the Practical School Education Course (Evening Course).

Master's Degree (Arts and Sciences)

Course Area
International Culture Studies Japanese and Asian culture study, European and American culture study, Japanese and Asian languages and literature, European languages and literature, English and American languages and literature
Pure and Applied Science Fundamental mathematical science, Discrete mathematical science, Mathematical system science, Applied mathematical science, Intellectual system science, Computer science, Applied information science,Fundamental material science, Structural material science, Functional material science, Biological science, Geoscience and astroscience
Artistic Culture Studies Music, Fine arts

Unfortunately International Students cannot enroll in the Health Science Course (Evening Course).


Persons who meet one of the following conditions are eligible to undertake the entrance examination for graduate students at Osaka Kyoiku University:

Qualifications (as of 2009)

  1. Persons who have graduated from university (including persons in prospect of graduating by March 2006).
  2. Persons who have been awarded the degree of Bachelor according to the Japan School Education Law, article 104, paragraph 4 (including persons in prospect of being awarded the degree by March 2009).
  3. Persons who have finished 16 years of school education in a foreign country (including persons in prospect of finishing by March 31, 200).
  4. Persons designated by the Minister of Education and Science.
  5. Persons who graduated in a country where regular school education until graduating from university is less than 16 years, but are recognized by the university as possessing equal or superior ability to graduated students in Japan, and meet the following two criteria:
    (1)Persons who have engaged in scientific pursuit as a research student or researcher at a university in Japan, a foreign university or a research institution conforming to the Inter-University Research Institute for at least one year after graduating from university (including persons in prospect of completing one year of research by March 31, 2009).
    (2)Persons who have reached 22 years of age on March 31, 2009.
  6. Persons who are recognized by individual examination of qualification at the university as possessing equal or superior ability to graduated students, and are at least 22 years of age on March 31, 2009.

Japanese Language Ability

Since most classes and tests at the university are conducted in Japanese, it is necessary for international students to possess sufficient Japanese language proficiency. Entrance exams and interviews are also conducted in Japanese.


To obtain the application documents from inside Japan, please refer to the Osaka Kyoiku University web page 'Information about graduate school applications (in Japanese)'. If you are requesting the documents from overseas by mail, please comply with the following regulations. Please note also that requests by email cannot be accepted.

  1. Please enclose a 400g international reply-paid coupon.
  2. Please state clearly if you are requesting documents to enter as an undergraduate student or graduate student.
  3. Please enclose a piece of paper with your name and address. This will be used on the reply envelope.

Application Address:
Osaka Kyoiku University Entrance Examination Section
4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582, Japan
Tel.: +81-729-78-3324

Application forms can be requested each year from July. The application period is around the beginning of September.

Tuition and Other Fees for Graduate Students (as of 2008)

Fee upon Approval of Matriculation : 30,000 yen
Matriculation Fee: 282,000 yen
School Fee (1 year): 535,800 yen

OKU symbol Osaka Kyoiku University International Center Web Site
Address: 4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582 Japan
Phone: +81-729-78-3299/3300 Fax: +81-729-78-3348
E-mail: isc@cc.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp