OKU - Osaka Kyoiku University -

IC - International Center


Courses and Degrees

At Osaka Kyoiku University, students can enroll in undergraduate courses in the Course for School Teacher and the Department of Arts and Sciences. For an overview of the respective departments and the available courses and degrees, please refer to the tables below.

Course for School Teacher [ Bachelor's Degree (Education)]

Course Area
Course for Elementary School Teacher Science of education, Integrated education, Humanities and Social sciences education, Mathematics education, Science education,Home economics education, Music education, Art education and calligraphy, Health and physical education
Course for Junior High School Teacher Science of education, Japanese language education, English education, Social sciences education, Mathematics education, Science education, Physical education, Engineering and technology education, Home economics education, Music education, Art education and calligraphy
Course for Special Support Education Teacher Education for the visually impaired, Education for the hearing impaired, Education for the speech impaired, Education for the intellectually disabled, Education for the physically delicate, Education for the health impaired
Course for Kindergarten Teacher
Course for Nurse Teacher

Department of Arts and Sciences [Bachelor's Degree (Arts and Sciences)]

Course Area
Human Sciences Lifelong education, Human behavioral science, Human development
Culture Japanese and Asian languages and cultures, European and American languages and cultures, Social and cultural studies
Mathematical Sciences
Natural Science Science for material, Science for life, Natural system sciences
Information Science
Sport - Health Sciences - Life and Environment Sport, Health sciences, Life and environment
Science and Practice of Arts Science of art, Music, Fine arts

Course for Elementary School Teacher (Evening Course)

Unfortunately, international students can not enroll in the evening course.


To enter university at undergraduate student level, all criteria stated below must be met. If these conditions are met, you are able to take the General Examination for International Students, which is conducted at Osaka Kyoiku University.

Qualifications (as of 2009)

  1. Persons who do not hold Japanese nationality.
  2. Persons who have finished, or are in prospect of finishing, 12 years of school education in a foreign country, or persons who have been designated by the Minister of Education and Science (persons who have reached 18 years of age and conform to one of the following):
    (1) Persons who have obtained international qualification for Bachelor's degree study by the International Bachelor Secretariat (foundation based on Swiss civil law).
    (2) Persons who have obtained the qualification for Bachelor's degree study in the Republic of France, thus having been recognized as eligible to enter university.
    (3) Persons who have obtained the qualification of 'Abitur' in any county of the Federal Republic of Germany, thus having been recognized as eligible to enter university.
  3. Persons who hold, or are in prospect of being able to obtain, residence permit as 'International Student' upon entering university without obstacle (or who live in Japan and are able to change their residence permit to 'International Student').
  4. Persons who have taken the 2008 Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) conducted by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
  5. Persons who have attained a minimum of 210 points in the subject 'Japanese' on EJU.

For information on these exams, please refer to the home page of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

Please note that Intensive Japanese Language Course and Preparatory Course are not available at Osaka Kyoiku University.


To obtain the application documents from inside Japan, please refer to the Osaka Kyoiku University web page Information for privately funded international students (in Japanese). If you are requesting the documents from overseas by mail, please comply with the following regulations. Please note also that requests by email cannot be accepted.

  1. Please enclose a 250g international reply-paid coupon.
  2. Please state clearly if you are requesting documents to enter as an undergraduate student or graduate student.
  3. Please enclose a piece of paper with your name and address. This will be used on the reply envelope.

Application Address:
Osaka Kyoiku University Entrance Examination Section
4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-729-78-3324

Application forms can be requested each year from August. The application period is around the middle of December.

Tuition and Other Fees for Undergraduate Students
(as of 2008)

Fee upon Approval of Matriculation: 17,000 yen
Matriculation Fee: 282,000 yen
School Fee (1 year): 535,800 yen

OKU symbol Osaka Kyoiku University International Center Web Site
Address: 4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582 Japan
Phone: +81-729-78-3299/3300 Fax: +81-729-78-3348
E-mail: isc@cc.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp