


1 ターンテイキング関係(ターン構成、ターン割り当て、オーヴァーラップなど含む)
2 隣接ペアに基づいた連鎖組織関係(挿入連鎖、拡張連鎖、反応の追求など含む)
3 物語り関係
4 修復関係
5 トピック関係
6 指示関係
7 response token関係
8 発話の共同産出関係
9 会話分析方法論関係
10 ゴシップ関係
11 参与構造関係
12 権限(entitlement)・認識的権威(epistemic authority)関係
13 開始部門(opening section)・終了部門(closing section)関係
14 選好組織(preference organization)関係
15 トラブル・トーク関係
16 笑い関係
17 前置き連鎖関係
18 子ども関係
19 診察場面関係

1 ターンテイキング関係(ターン構成・ターン割り当て・オーヴァーラップなど含む)

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2 隣接ペアに基づいた連鎖組織関係(挿入連鎖、拡張連鎖、反応の追求など含む)

Atkinson, J.M. & P. Drew, (1979) Order in Court: The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in Judicial Settings. London: Macmillan
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3 物語り関係

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4 修復関係

Bolden, Galina B. (2011) On the organization of repair in multiperson conversation: The case of "other"-selection in other-initiated repair sequences. Research on Language and Social Interaction 44(3): 237-262.
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Egbert, Maria M. (1997) 'Some interactional achievements of other-initiated repair in multi-person conversation', Journal of Pragmatics 27: 611-34
Egbert, Maria (2004) 'Other-initiated Repair and Membership Categorization: Some conversational events that trigger linguistic and regional membership categorization', Journal of Pragmatics 36: 1467-98.
Forrester, Michael A. (2008) 'The emergence of self-repair: a case study of one child during the early preschool years', Research on Language & Social Interaction, 41/1: 99-128
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Jefferson, G. (2007). Preliminary notes on abdicated other-correction. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 445-461.
Kim, Kyu-hyun (1999) 'Other-initiated repair sequences in Korean conversation'. Discourse and Cognition 6: 141-68
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Koshik, Irene (2005) 'Alternative questions in conversational repair', Discourse Studies 7: 192-211
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Lerner, Gene H. (2004) 'On the Place of Linguistic Resources in the Organization of Talk-in-interaction: Grammar As Action in Prompting A Speaker to Elaborate', Research on Language & Social Interaction 37: 151-85
Lerner, Gene H., Celia Kitzinger (2007) 'Extraction and aggregation in the repair of individual and collective self-reference', Discourse Studies 2007 9: 526-557
Macbeth, Douglas (2004) 'The relevance of repair for classroom correction', Language in Society: 33: 703-36
Maheux-Pelletier, Geneviève, Andrea Golato (2008) 'Repair in membership categorization in French', Language in Society 37/5: 689-712
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Robinson, J. D. (2006). Managing trouble responsibility and relationships during conversational repair. Communication Monographs 73(2): 137-161.
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Schegloff, Emanuel A. (2001) 'Overwrought utterances: "Complex" sentences in a different sense'. In: J. Bybee, M. Moonan, eds. Complex sentences in grammar and discourse: Essays in honor of Sandra A. Thompson. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 321-36
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Wilkinson, Ray (2007) 'Managing linguistic incompetence as a delicate issue in aphasic talk-in-interaction: On the use of laughter in prolonged repair sequences', Journal of Pragmatics 39/3: 542-569
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Wootton, Anthony J. (2007) 'A puzzle about please: repair, increments, and related matters in the speech of a young child', Research on Language and Social Interaction, 40 ( 2-3): 171-98

5 トピック関係

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6 指示関係

Brown, Penelope 2007 Principles of person reference in Tzeltal conversation. In Enfield, N. J. & Stivers, T. (eds.) Person reference in interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 172-202.
Enfirld, N. J. 2007 Meanings of the unmarked: how ‘default’ person reference does more than just refer. In Enfield, N. J. & Stivers, T. (eds.) 2007
Person reference in interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 97-120.
Enfield, N. J. & T. Stivers (eds.) 2007. Person reference in interaction. Cambridge University Press.
Hacohen, G. & Schegloff, E. A. 2006 On the preference for minimization in referring to persons: Evidence from Hebrew conversation.
Journal of Pragmatics 38: 1305-1312.
Hanks, William F. 2007 Person reference in Yucatec Maya conversation. In Enfield, N. J. & Stivers, T. (eds.) Person reference in interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-171.
Haviland, John B. 2007 Person reference in Tzotzil gossip: referring dupliciter. In Enfield, N. J. & Stivers, T. (eds.) Person reference in interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 226-252.

Hayashi, M. 2005 Referential problems and turn construction: An exploration of an intersection between grammar and interaction. Text 25(4): 437-468.
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Heritage, J. 2007 Intersubjectivity and progressivity in person (and place) reference, In N. J. Enfield & T. Stivers (eds.) Person reference in interaction. Cambridge University Press. pp. 255-280.
Land, Victoria & Kitzinger, Celia 2007 Some uses of third-person reference forms in speaker-reference. Discourse Studies 9(4): 493-525.
Lerner, Gene H., Celia Kitzinger (2007) 'Introduction: person-reference in conversation analytic research', Discourse Studies 9: 427-432.
Lerner, Gene H., Celia Kitzinger (2007) 'Extraction and aggregation in the repair of individual and collective self-reference', Discourse Studies 2007 9: 526-557
Levinson, Stephen C. 2007 Optimizing person reference‐Perspectives from usage on Rossel Islands. In Enfield, N. J. & Stivers, T. (eds.) Person reference in interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.29-72.
Oh, Sun-Young 2007a Overt reference to speaker and recipient in Korean. Discourse Studies 9(4): 462-491.
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7 response token関係

Drummond, Kent,  Robert Hopper, (1993) 'Some uses of Yeah', Research on Language and Social Interaction 26; 203-12
Gardner, Rod (2001) When Listeners Talk: Response tokens and listener stance. Amsterdam: Benjamins
Heritage, J. (1984) A change-of-state token and aspects of its sequential placement. In J. M. Atkinson & J. Heritage (eds.), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 299-345.
Heritage, John (1998) 'Oh-prefaced responses to inquiry', Language in Society 27: 291-334
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串田秀也 (2002b). 会話の中の「うん」と「そう」:話者性の交渉との関わりで. 定延利之編『「うん」 と「そう」の言語学』東京:ひつじ書房. pp. 5-46.
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Sorjonen, Marja-leena (2001) Responding in Conversation: A study of response particles in Finnish. Amsterdam: Benjamins
Stivers, Tanya (2003) '"No no no" and other types of multiple sayings in social interaction'. Human Communication Research 30:260-93
Stivers, Tanya (2008) 'Stance, alignment and affiliation during story telling: When nodding is a token of preliminary affiliation', Research on Language in Social Interaction, 41, 29-55.

8 発話の共同産出関係

Antaki, C., Diaz, F. & Collins, A. F. (1996). Keeping your footing: conversational completion in three-part sequences. Journal of Pragmatics 25: 151-171.
Diaz, F., Antaki, C. & Collins, A. F. (1996). Using completion to formulate a statement collectively. Journal of Pragmatics 26: 525-542.
Erickson, F. (1992). They know all the lines: rhythmic organization and contextualization in a conversational listing routine. In P. Auer & A. Di Luzio (eds.), The Contextualization of Language, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 365-398.
Ferrara, K. (1992). The interactive Achievement of a Sentence: Joint Productions in Therapeutic Discourse. Discourse Processes 15: 207-228.
Hayashi, M. (1999). Where grammar and interaction meet: a study of co-participant completion in Japanese conversation. Human Studies 22(2-4): 475-499.
Hayashi, M. (2003). Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Helasvuo, M. (2004). Shared syntax: the grammar of co-constructions. Journal of Pragmatics 36: 1315-1336.
Jefferson, G. (1990). List-construction as a task and resource. In George Psathas(ed.), Interaction Competence, Washington, D. C.: University Press of America. pp. 63-92.
串田秀也 (1997). ユニゾンにおける伝達と交換:会話における「著作権」の記述をめざして. 谷泰編 『コミュニケーションの自然誌』東京:新曜社. pp. 249-294.
串田秀也 (2002). 統語的単位の開放性と参与の組織化(1):引き取りのシークエンス環境. 『大阪 教育大学紀要 第二部門』50(2): 37-64.
串田秀也 (2002a). 統語的単位の開放性と参与の組織化(2):引き取りにおける参与の交渉. 『大阪 教育大学紀要 第二部門』51(1): 43-66.
Lerner, G. H. (1991). On the syntax of sentense-in-progress. Language in Society 20: 441-458.Lerner, G. H. (1996a). On the "semi-permeable" character of grammatical units in conversation: conditional entry into the turn space of another speaker. In E. Ochs, E. A. Schegloff & S. A. Thompson (eds.), Interaction and Grammar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 238-276.
Lerner, G. H. (1992). Assisted storytelling: deploying shared knowledge as a practical matter. Qualitative Sociology 15(3): 247-271.
Lerner, G. H. (1993). Collectivities in action: establishing the relevance of conjoined participation in conversation, Text 13(2): 213-245.
Lerner, G. H. (1994) 'Responsive list construction: A conversational resource for accomplishing multifaceted social action', Journal of Language and Social Psychology 13: 20-33
Lerner, G. H. (1996) 'On the "semi-permeable" character of grammatical units in conversation: conditional entry into the turn space of another speaker'. In: Ochs, E., Emanuel A. Schegloff, S.A. Thompson, eds., Interaction and Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 238-76
Lerner, G. H. (2002). Turn-sharing: the choral co-production of talk-in-interaction. In C. E. Ford, B. A. Fox & S. A. Thompson(eds.), The Language of Turn and Sequence, Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 225-256.
Lerner, G. H. (2004). Collaborative turn sequences. In G. H. Lerner (ed.) Conversation Analysis: Studies from the First Generation, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 225-256.
Lerner, G. H. (2004) 'On the Place of Linguistic Resources in the Organization of Talk-in-interaction: Grammar As Action in Prompting A Speaker to Elaborate', Research on Language & Social Interaction 37: 151-85
Lerner, G. H. & Takagi, T. (1999). On the place of linguistic resources in the organization of talk-in-interaction: a co-investigation of English and Japanese grammatical practices. Journal of Pragmatics 31: 49-75.

9 会話分析方法論関係

Bergmann, J. R. (1990). On the local sensitivity of conversation. In I. Markova & K. Foppa(eds.), The Dynamics of Dialogue. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf. pp. 201-226.
Jefferson, G. (1996) ‘A case of transcriptional stereotyping’, Journal of Pragmatics 26: 159-70
Lynch, M. (2000). The ethnomethodological foundations of conversation analysis. Text 20(4): 517-532.
Lynch, M. & Bogen, D. (1994). Harvey Sacks's primitive natural science. Theory, Culture and Society 11(4): 65-104.
Sacks, H. (1963). Sociological description. Berkeley Journal of Sociology 8: 1-16.
Sacks, H. (1984). Notes on methodology. In J. M. Atkinson & J. Heritage (eds.), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 21-27.
Schegloff, E. A. (1987). Between macro and micro: contexts and other connections. In J. Alexander et. al. (eds.), The micromacro link, Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 207-234.
Schegloff, E. A. (1991) 'Reflections on talk and social structure'. In: Boden, D., D.H. Zimmerman, eds. Talk and social structure: studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Cambridge: Polity Press: 44-71
Schegloff, E. A. (1992) 'On talk and its institutional occasions'. In: Drew, P., J. Heritage, eds. Talk at work: interaction in institutional settings. Cambrid- ge: Cambridge University Press: 101-34
Schegloff, E. A. (1992). In another context. In A. Duranti & C. Goodwin(eds.), Rethinking Context: Language as an interactive phenomenon, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.191-227.
Schegloff, E. A. (1993). Reflections on quantification in the study of conversation. Research on Language and Social Interaction 26(1): 99-128.
Schegloff, E. A. (1997). Whose text? whose context?. Discourse & Society 8(2): 165-187.
Schegloff, E. A. (1999) '"Schegloff's Texts" as "Billig's Data": A critical reply', Discourse & Society 10: 558-72
Schegloff, E. A. (1999) 'Naivety vs. Sophistication or Discipline vs. Self-Indulgence: A rejoinder to Billig', Discourse & Society 10: 577-82

10 ゴシップ関係

Bergmann, J. R. (1993). Discreet Indiscretions: The Social Organization of Gossip. New York: Aldine.
Goodwin, M. H. (1990). He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Organization among Black Children. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Jaworski, A. & Coupland, J. (2005) Othering in gossip: "you go out you have a laugh and you can pull yeah okay but like..."
Language in Society 34(5): 667-694.
Tovares, A. V. (2006). Public medium, private talk: Gossip about a TV show as 'quotidian hermenertics'. Text & Talk 26(4/5): 463-492.

11 参与構造関係

Clayman, S.E. (1988) Displaying neutrality in television news interviews. Social Problems 35: 474-92
Egbert, M. M. (1997) Schisming: the collaborative transformation from a single conversation to multiple conversations. Research on Language and Social Interaction 30: 1-51.
Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. New York: Harper & Row.
Goffman, E. (1981). Forms of Talk. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Goodwin, C. (1979). The interactive construction of a sentence in natural conversation. In G. Psathas(ed), Everyday Language: Studies in Ethnomethodology, New York: Irvington. pp. 97-121.
Goodwin, C. (1980). Restarts, pauses and the achievement of a state of mutual gaze at turn beginning. Sociological Inquiry 50: 272-302.
Goodwin, C. (1981). Conversational Organization: Interaction between Speakers and Hearers. New York: Academic Press.
Goodwin, C. (1984). Notes on story structure and the organization of participation. In J. M. Atkinson & J. Heritage(eds), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 225-246.
Goowin, C. (1986). Audience diversity, participation and interpretation. Text 6: 283-316.
Gordon, C. (2003). Aligning as a team: forms of conjoined participation in (stepfamily) interaction. Research on Language and Social Interaction 36(4): 395-432.
Kangasharju, H. (1996). Aligning as a team in multiparty conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 26: 291-319.
串田秀也 (1999). 助け船とお節介:会話における参与とカテゴリー化に関する一考察. 好井裕明・山 田富秋・西阪仰編『会話分析への招待』京都:世界思想社. pp. 124-147.
Lerner, G. H. (1992). Assisted storytelling: deploying shared knowledge as a practical matter. Qualitative Sociology 15(3): 247-271.
Lerner, G. H. (1993). Collectivities in action: establishing the relevance of conjoined participation in conversation, Text 13(2): 213-245.
Lerner, G. H. (1995) 'Turn design and the organization of participation in instructional activities', Discourse Processes 19: 111-31
Levinson, S. C. (1988). Putting linguistics on a proper footing: explorations in Goffman's concepts of participation. In P. Drew & A. Wootton(eds.), Erving Goffman: Exploring the Interaction Order, Cambridge: Polity Press. pp. 161-227.
Mandelbaum, J. (1987). Couples sharing stories. Communication Quarterly 35: 144-170.
西阪仰 (2001). 『心と行為:エスノメソドロジーの視点』東京:岩波書店

12 権限(entitlement)関係

Goodwin, M. H. (1990). He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Organization among Black Children. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Hayashi, M. (2003). Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Heritage, J. & Raymond, G (20059. The terms of agreement: indexing epistemic authority and subordination in talk-in-interaction.
Social psychology Quarterly 68(1): 15-38.
串田秀也 (1997). ユニゾンにおける伝達と交換:会話における「著作権」の記述をめざして. 谷泰編 『コミュニケーションの自然誌』東京:新曜社. pp. 249-294.
Lerner, G. H. (1996). Finding "face" in the preference structures of talk-in-interaction. Social Psychology Quarterly 59(4): 303-321.
Peräkylä, A. & Silverman, D. (1991). Owning experience: describing the experience of other persons. Text 11 (3): 441-480.
Pomeranz, A. (1980). Telling my side: "limited access" as a fishing device. Sociological Inquiry 50: 186-198.
Raymond, G. & Heritage, J. (2006) The epistemics of social relations: Owning grandchildren. Language in Society 35(5): 677-705.
Schegloff, E. A. (1988a). Description in the social sciences Ⅰ: talk-in-Interaction. IPrA Papers in Pragmatics 2(1/2): 1-24.
Shuman, A. (1986). Storytelling Rights: The Uses of Oral and Written Texts by Urban Adolescents, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stivers, Tanya (2005) 'Modified Repeats: One Method for Asserting Primary Rights From Second Position', Research on Language & Social Interaction 38: 131-58

13 開始部門(opening section)・終了部門(closing section)関係

Button, G. (1987) 'Moving out of closings'. In: Button, G., J.R.E. Lee, eds., Talk and social organisation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters: 101-51
Button, G. (1990) 'On varieties of closings'. In: George Psathas, ed. Interaction Competence. Washington: University Press of America: 93-147
Hopper R. & Chen, C. (1996). Languages, cultures, relationships: telephone openings in Taiwan. Research on Language and Social Interaction 29(4): 291-313.
Hopper, R., Doany, N., Johnson, M. & Drummond, K. (1990/1991). Universals and particulars in telephone openings. Research on Language and Social Interaction 24: 369-387.
Houtkoop-Steenstra, H. (1991) Opening sequences in Dutch telephone conversations. In D. Boden & D. Zimmerman (eds.), Talk and Social Structure, Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 232-250.
Jefferson, G. (1973) 'A case of precision timing in ordinary conversation: overlapped tag-positioned address terms in closing sequences', Semiotica 9: 47-96
Lee, Seung-Hee. (2006). Second summoning in Korean telephone conversation openings. Language in Society 35(2): 261-284
Lindström, A. (1994). Identification and recognition in Swedish telephone conversation openings. Language in Society 23: 231-252.
西阪仰 (2004). 電話の会話分析:日本語の電話の開始. 山崎敬一編『実践エスノメソドロジー入門』 東京:有斐閣
Schegloff, E. A. (1968). Sequencing in conversational openings. American Anthropologist 70: 1075-1095.
Schegloff, E.A. (1979). Identification and recognition in telephone conversation openings. In G. Psathas, ed. Everyday language: studies in
ethnomethodology. New York: Irvington: 23-78
Schegloff, E.A. (1986). The routine as achievement. Human Studies 9: 111-52.
Emanuel A. Schegloff. "Beginnings in the Telephone," in J.E. Katz and M. Aakhus (eds.), Perpetual Contact: Mobile communication, private talk, public performance. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 284-300.
Emanuel A. Schegloff. "Opening Seqencing." In J.E. Katz and M. Aakhus (eds.), Perpetual Contact: Mobile communication, private talk, public performance. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 326-85.
Schegloff , E. A. (2004) 'Answering the phone'. In: Gene H. Lerner, ed. Conversation Analysis: Studies from the first generation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 63-107
Schegloff, E. A. & Sacks, H. (1973). Opening up closings. Semiotica 8: 289-327.
Sun, H. (2002). Display and reaffirmation of affect bond and relationship: invited guessing in Chinese telephone conversations. Language in Society 31(1): 85-112.

14 選好組織(preference organization)関係

Heritage, John (2002) 'Ad hoc inquiries: two preferences in the design of routine questions in an open context'. In: Maynard, Douglas W., H. Houtkoop-Steenstra, N.C. Schaeffer & J. van der Zouwen (eds.) Standardization and Tacit Knowledge. Interaction and Practice in the Survey Interview. New York: John Wiley: 313-335
Heritage, J. 2007 Intersubjectivity and progressivity in person (and place) reference, In N. J. Enfield & T. Stivers (eds.) Person reference in interaction. Cambridge University Press. pp. 255-280.
Lerner, G. H. (1996). Finding "face" in the preference structures of talk-in-interaction. Social Psychology Quarterly 59(4): 303-321.
Levinson, S. C. (1983). Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (安井稔・奥田夏子訳    (1990). 『英語語用論』東京:研究社出版)
Pomerantz, A. (1978) Compliment responses: notes on the cooperation of multiple constraints. In J.N. Schenkein (ed.), Studies in the organization of conversational interaction, New York: Academic Press.
pp. 79-112.
Pomeranz, (1984). Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments: some features of preferred/ dispreferred turn shapes, In J. M. Atkinson & J. Heritage (eds.), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,.pp. 57-101.
G. Raymond 2003. Grammar and Social Organization: Yes/No Interrogatives and the Structure of Responding. American Sociological Review 68: 939-967.
Sacks, H. (1987). On the preferences for agreement and contiguity in sequences in conversation. In G. Button & J. R. E. Lee (eds.), Talk and Social Organization, Cleavedon/ Philadeiphia: Multilingual Matters. pp. 54-69.
Sacks, H. & Schegloff, E. A. (1979). Two preferences in the organization of reference to persons in conversation and their interaction. In G. Psathas(ed.), Everyday Language: Studies in Ethnomethodology, New York: Irvington. pp. 15-21.
Schegloff, E. A. (1988c). On an actual virtual servo-mechanism for guessing bad news: a single case conjecture. Social Problems 35(4): 442-457.
Schegloff, E. A., Jefferson, G. & Sacks, H. (1990). The preference for self-correction in the organization of repair in conversation, In G. Psathas(ed.), Interaction Competence, Washington, D. C.: University Press of America. pp. 31-61.
Schegloff, Emanuel A. (2007) Sequence Organization in Interaction: A Primer in Conversation Analysis, vol 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Stivers, T. & Robinson, J. D. (2006). A preference for progressivity in interaction. Language in Society 35(3): 367-392.
Tanaka, H. (2005) Grammar and the "timing" of social action: Word order and preference organization in Japanese. Language in Society 34(3): 389-430.

15 トラブル・トーク関係

Jefferson, G., (1980) 'On "trouble-premonitory" response to inquiry', Sociological Inquiry 50: 153-85
Jefferson, G., (1984) 'On the organization of laughter in talk about troubles'. In: Atkinson, J.M., J. Heritage, eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 346-69
Jefferson, G. (1984). On stepwise transition from talk about a trouble to inappropriately next-positioned matters. In J. M. Atkinson & J. Heritage(eds), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 191-222.
Jefferson, G. (1985). On the interactional unpackaging of a 'gloss'. Language in Society 14: 435-466.
Jefferson, G. (1988). On the sequential organization of troubles-talk in ordinary conversation. Social Problems 35(4): 418-441.
Jefferson, G. & Lee, J. R. E. (1981). The rejection of advice: managing the problematic convergence of a 'troubles-telling' and a 'service encounter'. Journal of Pragmatics 5: 399-422.

16 笑い関係

Phillip Glenn (2003) Laughter in Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Jefferson, G. (1979) 'A technique for inviting laughter and its subsequent acceptance/declination'. In: G. Psathas, ed., Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology. New York: Irvington: 79-96
Jefferson, G., (1984) 'On the organization of laughter in talk about troubles'. In: Atkinson, J.M., J. Heritage, eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 346-69
Jefferson, G. (1985). An excercise in the transcription and analysis of laughter. In T. A. van Dijk(ed.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis vol.3, New York: Academic Press. pp. 25-34.
Jefferson, G., Sacks, H. & Schegloff, E. A. (1987). Notes on laughter in the pursuit of intimacy. In G. Button & J. R. E. Lee (eds.), Talk and Social Organization, Cleavedon/ Philadeiphia: Multilingual Matters. pp. 152-205.
Jefferson, G. (2004) A note on laughter in 'male-female' interaction. Discourse Studies, 6(1), 117-133.

17 前置き連鎖関係

Atkinson, J.M. & P. Drew, (1979) Order in Court: The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in Judicial Settings. London: Macmillan
Jefferson, G., Sacks, H. & Schegloff, E. A. (1987). Notes on laughter in the pursuit of intimacy. In G. Button & J. R. E. Lee (eds.), Talk and Social Organization, Cleavedon/ Philadeiphia: Multilingual Matters. pp. 152-205.
Levinson, S. C. (1983). Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (安井稔・奥田夏子訳    (1990). 『英語語用論』東京:研究社出版)
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Schegloff, E. A. (1980). Preliminaries to prelinimaries: "can I ask you a question?". Sociological Inquiry 50 (3/4): 104-152.
Schegloff, E. A. (1988b). Presequences and indirection: applying speech act theory to ordinary conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 12: 55-62.
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A. K. Terasaki 2004. Pre-announcement sequences in conversation. G. H. Lerner (ed.) Conversation Analysis: Studies from the first generation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 171-223.

18 子ども関係

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