Which can electricity pass and not pass?

What you need
Words flash cards

1,Flow of the lesson

@ Greeting
A Using flash cards, recite words used in this experiment.
B To experiment.
C Speak in English to teach the expressions for the experiment's results.
D Changing the words and present.
E In this experiment, student will learn to express Science in English.

2,Word of the teacher

Good morning, everyone!
How are you?
I ~.

(Children appropriately apply)
How are you?
I ~.
(Repeat some)

I will show you some cards. I will say the words in English, please repeat after me.

Now I will just show the cards. What's this?
(While watching the children, ask individual students)

Today's experiment is "Let's go fishing".
First, let's check the materials.
(Check one by one while practicing the pronunciation)

So let's start the experiment.

Get out a fishing rod with a bar magnet.

Let's try to fish many kinds of fish.

(To experiment)

So, please tell me the results.

"I took two fish."
"I took no fish."
"The magnet attracted the nail."

Let's change the numbers and words in the sentence.

For the magnet, let's say just one thing.

(From example students say their results)

Let's remember what we learned today.

That's the end of the lesson. See you next time!

3,detailed experimental procedures
 @ 回路を作ります。
 A 回路にいろいろなものを挟んで、豆電球がつくか調べます。
 B 導体・絶縁体に分かれます。

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