

(Adobe PDF format) :

  • Gabor, wavelet and chirplet transforms in the study of pseudodifferental operators
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 23 pages, 238K

  • A Construction of Multiwavelets
    (in Japanese, needs Japanese Acrobat)
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 22 pages, 241K

  • On a construction of multiwavelets
    Technical Report CRM-2346, Centre de recherches mathematiques, 20 pages, 294K

  • A survey of the MATLAB ODE suite
    Technical Report CRM-2651, Centre de recherches mathematiques, 24 pages, 333K

  • Multiwavelets, Pseudodifferential Operators and Microlocal Analysis
    Proceedings of the Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Applications, 12 pages, 1.5M

  • Microlocal Analysis and Multiwavelets
    Proceedings of the Conference on Geometry, Analysis and Applications, 10 pages, 504K

  • Hayawakari Matlab

    (A Matlab Compendium)

    Ryuichi Ashino

    Remi Vaillancourt

    (Kyoritsu Shuppan)

    Japanese version:ISBN4-320-02875-9

    Korean version:ISBN89-384-1098-6

    Ryuichi Ashino and Remi Vaillancourt wrote a book in Japanese on Matlab titled Hayawakari MATLAB published by Kyoritsu Shuppan (Japanese publisher) in July, 1997, which is translated into Korean in April 1998. Hayawakari is a Japanese word, which means 'a guide' or 'easy to understand'. Hayawakari Matlab can also be found in English as A Matlab Compendium, which is a lecture note for Matlab users in University of Ottawa.

    If your system supports Japanese language, please visit home pages:

    The following image is used in the cover of Hayawakari Matlab.

    This image was made by using the texture mapping function warp of Image Processing Toolbox. The original image is the Julia set.

    Matlab niyoru Bibunhouteishiki to Laplace Henkan

    (Differential Equations and Laplace Transform with Matlab)

    Ryuichi Ashino

    Remi Vaillancourt

    (Kyoritsu Shuppan)

    Japanese version: ISBN4-320-01653-X

    Ryuichi Ashino and Remi Vaillancourt wrote a book in Japanese titled Matlab niyoru Bibunhouteishiki to Laplace Henkan (Differential Equations and Laplace Transform with Matlab) published by Kyoritsu Shuppan (Japanese publisher) in March, 2000.

    Ryuichi Ashino (photo)

    Mathematical Sciences
    Osaka Kyoiku University
    Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582, Japan

    TEL: (+81)729-78-3685 (Office)
    FAX: (+81)729-78-3554
