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Bibliography of History of Science From 1900

By Shigeru Jochi

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    Special thanks for Prof. Ogawa's bibliography of Japanese Mathematics by European languages. 

    Special thakns for Mr. Kotera's bibliography of the Journal of History of Mathematics, Japan.
JOCHI Shigeru

Oriental Periodicals

Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao 北京師範大学学報. Beijing. Fuji Ronso 富士論叢. Tokyo. Kagaku-shi Kenkyu 科学史研究. Tokyo. Kaogu 考古. Beijing. Shuxue Tongbao 数学通報. Beijing. Shuxue Tongxun 数学通訊. Beijing. Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 数学史研究. Tokyo. Syuzan Syunju 珠算春秋. Tokyo. Toho Gakuho 東方学報. Tokyo. Toyo Gakuho 東洋学報. Tokyo. Ziran Kexue-shi Yanjiu 自然科学史研究. Beijing. Zhongguo Kexue Shiliao 中国科学史料. Beijing.
Abe Gakuho 阿部楽方. 1976. "Yoki Sampo ni Aru Hojin" 楊輝算法にある方陣 (Magic Square in the Yang Hui Suan Fa. Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 70: 11-32. Andrews, W. S.. 1908. Magic Square and Cubes. Chicago: The Open Court. 2nd ed. 1917. Repub. 1960. New York: Dover Publications Inc. Bai Shangshu 白尚恕. 1964. "Qin Jiushao Cewang Jiuwen Zaoshu Zhi Shentao" 秦九韶測望九問造術之深討 (Studies of Qin Jiushao's Nine Surveying Questions) in pp.290-303 of Qian Baocong, 1964b. Bai Shangshu 白尚恕. 1983. Jiu Zhang Suan Shu Zhu Shi 九章算術注釈 (Comments of Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts). Beijing: KXCBS. Bai Shangshu 白尚恕. 1985. Ce Yuan Hai Jing Jin Shi 測円海鏡今釈 (Colloquial Version, with Comments of of Sea Mirror of Circle Measurements). Ji'nan 済南: Shangdong Jiaoyu Chubanshe 山東教育出版社. Bai Shangshu 白尚恕. 1990. Jiu Zhang Suan Shu Jin Shi 九章算術今釈 (Modern Comments of Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts). Ji'nan 済南: Shangdong Jiaoyu Chubanshe 山東教育出版社. Beijing Shifan Daxue Kexue-shi Yanjiu Zhongxin (ed.). 北京師範大学科学史研究中心 (Centre of History of Science, Beijing Normal Univ.). 1989. Zhongguo Kexue-shi Jiangyi 中国科学史講義 (Transcripts of Lecture on History of Science). Beijing: Beijing Shifan Daxue Chubanshe 北京師範大学出版社. Boyer, Carl. 1968. A History of Mathematics. New York: Wiley. 2nd ed. 1989. Bourbaki, N.. 1974. Elements d'Histoire des Mathematiques. Paris: Hermann. Brown, George Spencer. 1969. Laws of Form. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Cammann, Schuyler. 1960. "The Evolution of Magic Squares in China". Journal of the American Oriental Society 80: 116-24. Cammann, Schuyler. 1963. "Old Chinese Magic Squares". Sinologica vol.7: 14-53. Chao, Weily 焦蔚芳. 1995. Zhouyi Yuzhou Daishuxue 周易宇宙代数学 (Cosmorosical Algebra in the Book of Change). Shanhai: Shanhai Kexue Zhishu Wenxian Chubanshe 上海科学技術文献出版社. Chen Cheng-Yih 程貞一 (ed.). 1987. Science and Technology in Chinese Civilization. Singapore: World Scientific. Chen Jiujin 陳久金 and Yang Yi 楊怡. 1993. Zhongguo Gudai de Tianwen yu Lifa 中国古代天文与暦法 (Ancient Chinese Astronomy and Calendar). Taibei: Taiwan Shanwu Yinshuguan 台湾商務印書館. Chen Meidong 陳美東 et al (eds.). 1992. Jianming Zhongguo Kezhi-shi Hua 簡明中国科技史話 (Brief Stories of History of Science and Technology in China). 2 vols. Taibei: Mingwen Shuju 明文書局. Chen Meidong 陳美東. 1995. Guli Xintan 簡明中国科技史話 (New Studies for Old Calendars). Shenyang 瀋陽: Liaoning Renming Chubanshe 遼寧人民出版社. Chen Zungui 陳遵女為. 1955. Zhongguo Tianwenxue Jian-shi 中国天文学簡史 (Brief History of Chinese Astronomy). Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社. Chen Zungui 陳遵女為. 1980-1984. Zhongguo Tianwenxue-shi 中国天文学史 (History of Chinese Astronomy). 3 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社. Cohen, I. Bernard. 1985. Revolution in Science. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press. Cullen, Chiristopher. 1977. "Cosmographical Discussions in China from Early Times up to the T'ang (Tang) Dynasty". Ph.D thesis of Universty of London. Dongbei Shifan Daxue Guji Zhenli Yanjiusuo Cidian Bianjishi 東北師範大学古籍整理研究所辞書編輯室 (ed.). 1987. Jianming Zhongguo Guji Cidian 簡明中国古籍辞典 (Concise Bibliography of Chinese Classical Books). Changchun 長春: Jilin Wenshi Chubanshe 吉林文史出版社. Du Shiran 杜石然 et al (eds.). 1985. Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Shi Gao 中国科学技術史稿 (Manuscripts of History of Science and Technology). 2vols. Beijing: KXCBS. Endo Toshisada 遠藤利貞. 1896. Nihon Sugaku-shi 日本数学史 (History of mathematics in Japan). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店. Endo Toshisada 遠藤利貞. 1918. Zoshu Nihon Sugaku-shi 増修日本数学史 (History of mathematics in Japan Enlarged ed.). Tokyo: Koseisha Koseikaku 恒星社厚生閣. 2nd ed, 1960. 3rd ed. 1981. Fujiwara Shozaburo 藤原松三郎. 1952. Nihon Sugaku Shiyo 日本数学史要 (The Essences for History of Japanese Mathematics). Tokyo: Hobunkan 宝文館. Fujiwara Shozaburo 藤原松三郎 1954-60. See Nihon Gakushiin (ed.) Gauss, Karl Friedrich. 1801. Disquistiones Arithmeticae. Libsiae: Gerh Fleischer. Graham, Angus Charles. 1989. Disputers of the Tao. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.. Guo Jingbin 郭金彬 and Wan Yusheng 王渝生. 1988. Ziran Kexue-shi Daorun 自然科学史導論 (Guidance of History of Natural Science). Fuzhou: Fujian Jiaoyu Chubanshe 福建教育出版社. Guo Shuchun 郭書春. 1988. "Jia Xian 'Huangdi Jiu-Zhang Suan-Jing Xi-Cao' Chu Tan; "Xiang-Jie Jiu-Zhang Suan-Fa' Jiegou Shi Xi" 賈憲《黄帝九章算経細草》初探; 《詳解九章算法》結構試析 (Study of Commentary of Yellow Emperor Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts Written by Jia Xian; The Analysis Includes of Yang Hui's Commentary of Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts). Ziran Kexue-shi Yanjiu vol.7 (1988), no.4: 328-34. Guo Shuchun 郭書春. 1990. Jiu Zhang Suan Shu Huijiaoben 九章算術匯校本 (Modern Comments of Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts). Shenyang 瀋陽: Liaoning Renming Chubanshe 遼寧人民出版社. Guo Shuchun 郭書春. 1992. Gudai Shijie Shuxue Taidiu Liu Hui 古代世界数学泰斗劉徽 (Ancient Great Mathematitian - Liu hui). Ji'nan 済南: Shandong Kexue Zhishu Chubanshe 山東科学技術出版社. 1995. Taibei: Mingwen Shuju 明文書局. Guo Shuchun 郭書春. 1991; 1994. Zhongguo Gudai Shuxue 中国古代数学 (Ancient Chinese Mathematics). Ji'nan 済南: Shandong Jiaoyu Chubanshe 山東教育出版社. (Trditional Edition) 1994. Taibei: Taiwan Shangwu Yunshuguan 台湾商務印書館. See Ren Jiyu and et al (eds.) 1991. Guo Shuchu and Jochi Shigeru 郭書春・城地茂 2003."Sansu-sho to Chugoku Sugaku Pradigm" 『算数書』と中国数学パラダイム (Suanshushu and the Paradigm of Chinese Mathematics), Sugaku Seminor 数学セミナーvol.42, No.9(504):62-65 Hagino Kougo 萩野, 公剛. Nihon Sugaku-shi Bunken Soran日本数学史文献総覧 (Bibliography of History of Japanese Mathematics). Vol.1 of Oya Shin'ichi 1963-64, Hashimoto Keizo 橋本敬造, Jami. Catherine, Skar. Lowell (eds.). 1995. East Asian Scince: Tradition and Beyond. Osaka: Kansai Univ. Press 関西大学出版. Hayashi Takao 林隆夫. 1993. Indo no Sugaku インドの数学 (Indian Mathematics). Tokyo: Chuokoronsha 中央公論社. 中公新書1155. Hayashi Tsuruichi 林鶴一 1937. Hayashi Tsuruichi Hakushi Wasan Kenkyu Shuroku 林鶴一博士和算研究集録 (Complete Studies of Japanese Mathematics by Dr. Hayashi Tsuruichi). 2 vols. Tokyo: Tokyo Kaiseikan 東京開成館. Hirayama Akira 平山諦. 1959. Seki Kowa 関孝和 (The Studies of Seki Kowa). Tokyo: Koseisha Koseikaku 恒星社厚生閣. Hirayama Akira 平山諦. 1980. Enshuritsu no Rekishi 円周率の歴史 (History of π). Osaka: Osaka Kyoiku Tosho 大阪教育図書. Hirayama Akira 平山諦. 1988. "Chosen Sansho Mokuroku" 朝鮮算書目録 (Catalogue of Mathematical Books in Korea). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 116: 53-7. Hirayama Akira 平山諦 and Abe Gakuho 阿部楽方. 1983. Hojin no Kenkyu 方陣の研究 (The Studies of Magic Square). Osaka: Osaka Kyoiku Tosho 大阪教育図書. Hirayama Akira 平山諦, Abe Gakuho 阿部楽方 and Toya Seiichi 戸谷清一. 1984. "Yoki Sampo no Hojin nitsuite" 楊輝算法の方陣について (Magic Square in Yang Hui Suan Fa). Syuzan Syunju 58: 134-50. Hirayama Akira 平山諦 and Matsuoka Motohisa 松岡元久 (eds.). 1966. Azima Naonobu Zenshu 安島直円全集 (Collection of Azima Naonobu). Tokyo: Fuji Tanki Daigaku Shuppanbu 富士短期大学出版部. Hirayama Akira 平山諦 and Naito Jun 内藤淳 (eds.). 1987. Matsunaga Ryosuke 松永良弼 (Collection of Matsunaga Ryosuke). Tokyo: Matsunaga Ryosuke Kankokai 松永良弼刊行会. Hirayama Akira 平山諦, Shimodaira Kazuo 下平和夫 and Yirose Hideo 広瀬秀夫 (eds.). 1974. Seki Kowa Zenshu 関孝和全集 (Collection of Seki Kowa). Osaka: Osaka Kyoiku Tosho 大阪教育図書. Ho Peng-Yoke 何丙郁. 1973. "Magic Squares in East and West". Papers on Far Eastern History, Australian National University, Dept. of Eastern History, 8 (1973): 115-41. Ho Peng-Yoke 何丙郁. 1991. "Chinese Science: The Traditional Chinese View". Bulletin of the School of Orient and African Studies, Univ. of London, vol. LIV, Part 3: 506-19. Ho Peng-Yoke 何丙郁 and Ho Kuan-Piao 何冠彪. 1983. Zhongguo Keji-shi Gairun 中国科技史概論 (Outline of History of Science and Technology in China). Hong kong: CHSJ (Hong Kong). Horner, W. G. 1819. "A New Method of Solving Numerical Equations of All Orders, by Continuous approximation". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 109: 308-35. Hong Wansheng 洪万生. 1991. Kong-zi yu Shuxue 孔子与数学 (Confucius and Mathematics). Taibei: Mingwen Shuju 明文書局. Hong Wansheng 洪万生 (ed). 1993. Tantian San You 談天三友 (Talking about Three Friends). Taibei: Mingwen Shuju 明文書局. Hosoi So 細井淙. 1941. Wasan Shiso no Tokushitsu 和算思想の特質 (Specificity of Japanese Mathematical Thought). Tokyo: Kyoritsusha 共立社. Hua Yinchun 華印椿. 1987. Zhongguo Zhusuan Shi Gao 中国珠算史稿 (Manuscript of History of Abacus in China). Beijing: Zhongguo Caizheng Jingji Chubanshe 中国財政経済出版社. Hu Mingjie 胡明傑. 1991. "Siyuanshu De Yibanxing Chengdu" 四元術的一般性程度 (The Generalization of the Chinese Four Elements Algebra). Ziran Kexue-shi Yanjiu vol.11 (1991), no.1: 8-16. Ishida Ichiro 石田一良. 1955. Bunka Shigaku; Riron to Hoho 文化史学 理論と方法 (History of Culture; Theories and Methods). Tokyo: Yoyosha 洋々社. Ishida Ichiro 石田一良. 1989. Nihon Bunka-shi 日本文化史 (History of Japanese Culture). Tokyo: Tokai Univ. Press 東海大学出版. Jeon Sang-woon 全相運. 1974. Science and Technology in Korea. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1987. "Ritsuryo-ki no Sugaku Kyoiku 律令期の数学教育 (The Mathematics Teaching in Japan from 8c to 12c). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 112: 13-21. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1988."Chugoku Kohoku-sho Koryo-ken Chokasan Iseki Shutsudo Sansu-sho ni Tsuite" 中国湖北省江陵県張家山遺跡出土『算数書』について (Suanshu shu Unearthed in the Zhangjiashan Ruins, Jiangling county, Hubei province, China). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 117: 21-5. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1989. "Zu Chongzhi Damingli Yu Yuanzhoulu Jisuan" 祖沖之《大明暦》与円周率計算 (Zu Chongzhi's Daming-li and Computing Pi). Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao 北京師範大学学報・自然科学版 1989-4: 85-9. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1990."Chugoku no Keihyo no Kosatsu 中国の「圭表」の考察 (The Research of Gnomon in China). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 124: 10-5. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1991a. "Nitchu no Hoteiron Saiko" 日中の方程論再考 (A Reconsideration of Higher Degree Equation in China and Japan). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 128: 26-35. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1991b. "Gaitian-run Yu Guibiao 蓋天論与圭表 (The Heaven Cover and Gnomon). Yang Cuihua 1991. 140-54. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1991c. "Geng Xiang Jian Sun Fa Dui Guan Xiaohe (Seki Kowa) De Yinxiang" 更相減損法対関孝和的影響 (The Influence of The Chinese Euclid Algorithm on Japanese Mathematics). Conference paper of the International Conference of Jiuzhang Suanshu and Liu Hui's Mathematical Thought, Beijing Normal University, 1991. The abstract is in Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban 自然科学版) vol. 27 (1991), Sup. no. 3: 155. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1992. "Eikoku Oritsu Kyokai Zo Sampo Domo Suchi ni Tsuite 英国王立協会蔵『算法童蒙須知』について (Sampo Domo Suchi kept at the Royal Society Library). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 132: 6-15. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1993. The Influence of Chinese Mathematical Arts on Seki Kowa. Ph.D Thesis (Lond.). (中国数学書対関孝和的影響) Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1995a. "Wasan no Genryu" 和算の源流 (The Origin of Japanese Mathematics). Gakushu Hyoka kenkyu 学習評価研究 26: 120-9. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1995b. "Ritsuryo-ki no Sangaku" 律令期の算学 (Japanese Mathematics at the Ritsuryo age). Gakushu Hyoka kenkyu 学習評価研究 27: 118-29. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1995c. "Wasan Tanjo" 和算誕生 (Birth of Japanese Mathematics). Gakushu Hyoka kenkyu 学習評価研究 28: 126-37. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1996a. "Mohitotsuno Tengen-jutsu; Daien Kyuitsu-jutsu" もう一つの天元術・大衍求一術 (Anther "Celestial Element Method"; "The Technique of Acquiring One in Dayan"). Sugakushi Kenkyu 148: 1-12. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1996b. "Wasan no Kobo" 和算の興亡 (Rise and Fall of Japanese Mathematics at Edo Period). Gakushu Hyoka kenkyu 学習評価研究 29: 126-37. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1996c. "Wongya Gaoci Fangcheng de Fazhan" 東亜高次方程的発展 (Developmenet for Solving Higher Degree Equations in China and Japan). Kexueshi Tongxun 科学史通訊 14: 34-43. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂. 1998."Sekai Saisho no Tangent-hyo no Sakusei Hoho" 世界最初のTAN表の制作方法 (The Making Method of the First Tangent Table in the World in 8th Century, China)Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 158: 15-29. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂.. 2000."Nicchu no Futei Hoteishiki no Keifu" 日中の不定方程式の系譜 (The Origin of Indeterminate Equations in China and Japan) The Bulletin of Wasan Institute 和算研究所紀要 3: 3-21. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂.. 2001. "Sansu-sho Nihongoyaku" 算数書日本語訳 (Translation of Suanshushu) The Bulletin of Wasan Institute 和算研究所紀要 4: 19-46.2001.3, Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2003a. "Taiwan niokeru Nihon Tochi Jidai no Shuzan Kyoiku" 台湾における日本統治時代の珠算教育 (Education of Abacus in Taiwan under the Japanese Rule;At Primary School) Taiwan Yingyong Riyu Yanjiu 台湾応用日語研究 1: 1-24.2003.3, Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2003b."Yoki Sampo Densetsu Saiko" 楊輝算法伝説再考 (Reconsideration of Yang Hui Suanfa ) Kokyuroku (Bulletin) of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto Univ.(京都大学)数理解析研究所講究録 1317: 71-79. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂.. 2005; 2009. Nihon Suri Bunka Koryu-shi 日本数理文化交流史 (History of Mathematical Culture's Exchange in Japan). Taipei: Zhiliang Chubanshe 致良出版社. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2006. Nihon Tochi Jidai・Taiwan Min-reki no Jidai Kubun 日本統治時代・台湾民暦の時代区分(The Epoch of Taiwanese Calendar 1914-1945)(NKFUST)Journal of Applied Foreign Languages(国立高雄第一科技大学)応用外語学報4: 87-103. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2007. Zuisei Shokyoku ban "Shimei Sampo" 瑞成書局版『指明算法』(The "Zhiming Suanfa" Published in Ruicheng Publication, Taiwan ).Gendai Taiwan Kenkyu 現代台湾研究32:65-82. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2009a.Seki Takakazu Denki Shiryo Saiko 関孝和伝記史料再考-一関博物館蔵肖像画・「寛永12年関孝和略伝」・『断家譜』(Recommendation of Historical Materials for Seki Takakaza’s Biography -The Portrait at the Ichinoseki City Museum, Biography in 1800 and the “Danka-fu”).Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Osaka Prefectural Univ(大阪府立大学)人間社会学研究集録4:57-75. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2009b."Run Riben Shuxue-shi Yanju Fangfa" 論日本数学史研究方法-為日本数学家関孝和歿後300週年而作(A Study Method for History of Japanese Mathematics -For 300th Memorial of Seki Takakazu, Japanese Mathematician)The History of Science Newsletter科学史通訊 33:26-31. Jochi Shigeru 城地茂..2010. Seki Takakazu no Jitsubo Yuasa-ke no Kenkyu 関孝和の実母・湯浅家の研究--安藤家の『泰翁様御代高崎江戸給人帳』『万治元(1658)年江戸高崎給帳』(A Study of Seki Takakaza’s Mother, Yuasa Family -The “Yasu-o sama Ontai Takasaki Edo Kyujin Cho”, “Edo Takasaki Kyu Cho, 1658” at Lord Ando-).Kokyuroku (Bulletin) of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto Univ(京都大学)数理解析研究所講究録 1677: 27-36. Kaizuka Shigeki 貝塚茂樹. 1964-1970. Chugoku no Rekishi 中国の歴史 (History of China). 3 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店. vol2. 1969 Kanda Shigeru 神田茂. 1968. "Genna-ban no Ryukoku Daigaku Bon Sanyo-ki; Nihon de Ichiban Furui Kampon Wasansho" 元和版の龍谷大学本《算用記》 日本で一番古い刊本和算書 (Sanyo-ki Printed in Genna period (1615-1623) Collected at Ryukoku University; The oldest printed Mathematical Book in Japan). Sugaku-shi Kenkyu 37: 48-54. Kano Toshi 加納敏. 1980. Mahojin Zuk$jin no Tsukurikata 魔法陣・図形陣の作り方 (How to Make Magic Square). Tokyo: Fujibo 富士房. Kato Heizaemon 加藤平左ヱ門 1956-64. Wasan no Kenkyu 和算ノ研究 (The Study of Wasan ). 5 vols. 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